
The ROOM album holds a special place in ONUKA's career, and now its sound takes on new, even more relevant meanings. In dark times, we are all looking for a place where we can be with ourselves, hear our thoughts and find peace. 

ROOM has always been such a space — intimate, deep, full of echoes of our own feelings and, of course, a reflection of the surrounding chaos. Today, it responds over and over again. Finally, everyone can get a piece of a cozy corner with ROOM vinyl. 

September 10 the release of the ROOM vinyl takes place. 

The record is available in three colours. The pressing will go on sale for two months, so the desired shades will be updated regularly.

Order the record in the "Shop" section.  

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ONUKA plans to hold one of the most exquisite musical events of the fall - a grand concert with the National Academic Orchestra of Folk Instruments of Ukraine (NAOMI) on October 24 at the ICCM (October Palace). The new show will bring together more than 50 musicians and over 40 national instruments on one stage. Among them: banduras, cymbals, kobza, bass, lyre, telynka, goat's bass, trumpet, bugay, floyara, duda, drymba, rubel, birch bark.

“For me, a concert with an orchestra is always exciting, because we need to do a lot of work to enrich our arrangements, it's always a technically and musically challenging project. I understand that no matter how much people love orchestral music and electronic music separately, when it is combined in a thoughtful and prepared way, subtly and successfully, it always resonates with the audience,says Nata Zhyzhchenko, the band's frontwoman. 

This season, the audience will have the opportunity to hear the band's best singles created over ten years of their career, starting with their debut album ONUKA in 2014.

Ahead of their time, ONUKA's tracks have become markers of an era and a reflection of the historical era in which we live now. 
The legendary “Misto”, the band's calling card — the track “Vidlik”, the acutely social “GUMA”, the iconic ode to warriors — “PEREMOHA” and the graceful singles from the new album ROOM will sound even more powerful, fueled by the sound of an orchestra of folk instruments. 

Without exaggeration, the audience will witness the creation of an entire musical era on the stage of the ICCM this fall.

Follow the link for tickets

Earlier, together with the National Academic Orchestra of Folk Instruments of Ukraine (NAONI), ONUKA released the MOZAÏKA concert album and played many concerts with this lineup, including the Eurovision Song Contest 2017 in Kyiv. 

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The winners of the Emmy Award, one of the most prestigious awards given to the best shows on American television and called the television equivalent of the Oscars, have been announced in the United States.
The award in the category "Outstanding Daytime Special Program" received the episode "Culture Quest: Ukraine" featuring Nata Zhyzhchenko, frontwoman of ONUKA. She was the creative producer of this episode. 

The part of the filming took place in the recently opened art space Fabrychna 12 in Chernihiv, the family home of the singer's grandfather, a master of musical instruments Oleksandr Shlionchyk.

"This is a truly remarkable event, as it is another opportunity to open our cultural heritage to the world and remind them of the ongoing war!" says ONUKA. 

The film tells the story of representatives of the Ukrainian cultural environment who are doing their best to resist the war, inspire their compatriots and remind the rest of the world why Ukraine is worth fighting for. In one of the stories, ONUKA and the host had the opportunity to talk about Ukrainian culture and the band's work during the war. 

The film was created by project executive director Ian Grant and cameraman Jan Levasseur, who traveled around Ukraine in September 2022 in search of unique shots of Ukrainian identity in the faces of artists, creators, and keepers of historical and cultural memory. 

Olesia Ostrovska-Liuta, director of the Mystetskyi Arsenal, Katia Taylor, head of cultural projects, and the Paint Hunters team of muralists who contributed to the Train to Victory project also took part in the filming. In addition, the film features the hosts of the Toronto TV project, the artists Sister Feldman, masters of wooden architecture restoration from the Chernihiv Wooden Lace project, and volunteers from the This Is My City foundation involved in the restoration of the region. 

"This a story that definitely has hard moments, hard stories to tell, but the overarching feeling in my mind is an inspiring story of people willing to do whatever it takes to win their freedom" the project's socials says.

Watch the full version of the film Culture Quest: Ukraine via the link.

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The European tour "ROOM" is a continuation of the Ukrainian tour - the presentation of the band's latest album and a separate opportunity for all Ukrainians to be heard and seen outside of Ukraine. It's an opportunity to share everything that has accumulated inside and to tell through music everything that is in the heart of Ukrainians. 

Soon, ONUKA will give concerts in Warsaw, Prague, Berlin, Amsterdam, Brussels, and Paris according to the following schedule:

  • May 7 - Warsaw, Poland
  • May 8 - Prague, Czech Republic
  • May 9 - Berlin, Germany
  • May 11 - Cologne, Germany
  • May 12 - Hamburg, Germany
  • May 13 - Brussels, Belgium
  • May 14 - Paris, France 
  • May 16 - Munich, Germany

Links to purchase tickets are available in the ‘Tours’ page on the website.

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This fall, on November 13th and 14th, ONUKA will present the album "ROOM" for the first time from the stage within the walls of the International Center of Culture and Arts of Ukrainian Unions "Zhovtnevyi Palats" (October Palace).

The album was released in July and consists of 10 tracks, two of which were previously released as singles: the poignant ballad "Dusha Narodu" (Soul of the People) and the energetic, life-affirming "PEREMOHA" (Victory). The "PEREMOHA" music video has already garnered over 1 million views on YouTube.

The album title "ROOM" symbolizes a place or space for self-awareness, understanding one's experiences, one's problems, but also — a space for dreams and development. Each track of the album is dedicated to Ukrainians today and addresses the issues of our times: PTSD on a national level, forced migration, loss of loved ones, homes, housing, purpose, work, or one's own space. Because our own space is a 'room'.

For the band's frontwoman, Nata Zhyzhchenko, her "room" became the musical workshop of her grandfather in Chernihiv. Perhaps it's the only place in the world where she managed not only to continue creating but also to bring the external chaos of today into the clear structure of thoughtful artistic expression.

Over the past year, this workshop has transformed into an open creative ethno-space, which once again (since the times when her grandfather, a famous folk instrument master, O.M. Shlyonchik, worked there) became a center of attraction for artists from all over the Chernihiv region. The recording of the album featured such artists as: Chernihiv Academic Choir named after Dmitri Bortniansky, Senior Classes Choir "Provesin" of the KZMO "Music School №1 named after Stefan Vil'konskyi", the ensemble of domra players of the Chernihiv Music College named after L. Revutsky as part of the artists' association "Unified Artistic Space of Chernihiv".

For tickets to the show on November 13 and 14, please follow the link.

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The Ukrainian electro-folk band ONUKA presents its fourth music album "ROOM", each song of which is dedicated to a special issue of today's Ukrainians in the conditions of war.

The title of the album "ROOM" symbolizes a place or space for self-awareness, one's experience, one's problems, but at the same time - a space for dreams and development.

None of the Ukrainians chose to be in these events, no one expected that his life would be divided into "before" and "after". Few had time, opportunity, and space to realize their forcibly new life and reinterpret dreams of the future.

If you perceive music as a space where everyone can immerse themselves in their inner world, realize themselves, talk to themselves, then the new album ONUKA is the most intimate, lyrical and contemplative collection from the entire catalog of the creative duo of Nata Zhizhchenko and Yevgeny Filatov. "ROOM" is a delicate and tender music for immersion deep into oneself and spiritual healing.

The conceptuality of ONUKA and Nata's ability to build a whole drama from separate songs with plot arcs, touching symbolism and laconic, almost manifesto, poetry, which ultimately turns all her albums into extremely clear and powerful artistic statements, remains unchanged.

Each song of the album is dedicated to those dramatic emotions and situations in which Ukrainians found themselves. The heroes of ONUKA are equally all: both the military, volunteers, women who, saving their children, are forced to leave Ukraine, and millions of people who, despite everything, continue their important daily work.

"Each track of the album raises its problematics: PTSD at the level of the nation, forced relocation, loss of relatives, loss of home, housing, appointment, work or even own space. Because our own space is the room," explains Nata Zhizhchenko.

The release of individual compositions will be attached to thematically relevant initiatives that need powerful communication and material support: psychological support for military personnel experiencing PTSD, support for women paramedics working in the hottest spots, care for refugees, preservation of cultural heritage, etc.

For Nata, her own space or "room" became the music workshop of her grandfather in Chernihiv. Probably the only place in the world where she managed not only to continue to create, but also to subordinate the external chaos of current events to the clear structure of a balanced artistic statement. Over the past year, this workshop has turned into an open creative ethnospace, which again (since the times when her grandfather - a famous master of folk instruments, O.M. Shlyonchik worked there) became a place of attraction for artists from all over Chernihiv region. Thus, such artists took part in the recording of the album: Chernihiv Academic Choir named after Dmitry Bortnyansky, Choir of senior classes "Provesin" Municipal Institution of Specialized Art Education "Music school No. 1 named after Stefan Vilkon", ensemble of domra players of Chernihiv Music College named after L. Revutsky within the association of artists "Unified Art Space of Chernihiv Region".

The album includes 10 songs, two of which were previously released in the format of singles: the piercing ballad "Soul of the People" and the driving, life-affirming "VICTORY".

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Nata Zhyzhchenko, frontwoman of the Ukrainian electro-folk band ONUKA, has become the Ukrainian ambassador of Spotify Equal. 
Spotify offered Nata the title of Ukrainian Spotify Equal Ambassador in July 2023. It is evidenced by ONUKA's photo on the cover of the EQUAL Ukraine playlist. In addition, the band's newest track "PEREMOHA" was added to the EQUAL Global playlist with almost a million subscribers.

But one of the most significant opportunities within the framework of this cooperation was the offer to place ONUKA's photo on a billboard in Times Square in New York City, one of the most popular global advertising platforms. This ambassador status emphasizes not only the band's talent and influence on music trends, but also their active social responsibility.

Moreover, it is important to emphasize that for the Ukrainian creative community and Ukraine in general, this is another unique opportunity to remind about themselves and keep the world's attention on the country on a regular basis.

"It is a great honor for me to become an ambassador of the Equal program, especially at this time, because the war is not over and we need to keep reminding the world about us!
I am especially pleased to be one of those women who have the right to vote and who have the power to change, embody, inspire and act! Today's Ukraine shows that women are absolutely equal, strong, courageous, and fight for our right to live so desperately, so passionately, and I am excited about it! I believe that we are able to change the world with music, with lyrics. To sound as loud as ever! Thank you for this great honor to be a part of Equal! I hope and believe that every time you listen to our music, it brings us closer to victory, both indirectly and literally, because music unites, music heals, music saves, music donates and music wins! Everything will be Ukraine!" ONUKA says, thanking the Spotify team in their Instagram post.

Spotify Equal is a program that supports talented musicians and artists from around the world. It aims to create equal opportunities for representatives of different cultures, genders, and nationalities in the music scene. Ukrainian music becomes a part of this initiative, drawing the attention of the global audience to Ukraine and its cultural diversity.


ONUKA presents the video and the single “PEREMOHA”, which will be the first track of the band’s new album “ROOM”.

“PEREMOHA” is a tribute to Ukrainian soldiers and heroic volunteers. Their spirit, strength, and power are reflected in the rolling echo of the already recognizable ONUKA brass sounds. However, while previously their parts were uplifting and romantic, now they sound cold and with a touch of anger. There’s no more room for sentiment.

Simultaneously with the release of the song and the music video, the band joins forces with volunteer Tata Kepler and her charity project “Birds” for a common goal of raising UAH 1.5 million on medical equipment for military medics. All funds received on streaming platforms from listening of the single and viewing the clip will be directed to the volunteers.

“Our resource is our voice, it is our music. Our voice is heard in the world, and we consider one of our most important tasks today to keep the world’s attention focused on Ukraine and its challenges. More than a third of our supporters are foreigners, which gives us the opportunity to be heard and bring our victory closer,” says Nata Zhyzhchenko.

Each listener can also contribute to the fundraising simply by listening to the track on streaming services and sharing it among their acquaintances on social networks.

Thanks to the inventive musical solutions of Yevhen Filatov and the aptness and laconicism of Nata’s lyrics “PEREMOHA” becomes a reflection and demonstration of the creativity and modernity of Ukrainians who resist the enemy every day. Because “victory” is when you do more than you can. Even when the “advantage” is not on your side. So, you have to be more inventive and decisive.

“The video was created by our permanent team in collaboration with Lesya Patoka. The video uses images that reflect the musical mood — bright, powerful, and creative — just like Ukrainians today. I happened to stumble upon a reinterpretation of the monument to Kyi, Shchek, Khoryv, and their sister Lybid on the Internet and decided to embody it in this video along with real soldiers. The way Ukraine defends itself and stands up to the enemy is unforgettable. We also feel the support of our ancestors, marveling at how our history repeats cyclically. Today, these defenders are among us. They are the real heroes who will stand on pedestals over time,” comments Yevhen Filatov, the director of the video.

We talk about victory not in tragic tones, we show Ukrainians as extremely creative, brave, innovative, modern, and true everyday life heroes. The team is also currently working on the conceptual album “ROOM”. Each of its songs will be tied to thematic initiatives and will be a tribute to certain people or issues: refugees, women, rescuers, and other everyday heroes. So, “ROOM” should also become a kind of gathering point for collaboration with numerous organizations and volunteers, where everyone will take on a certain problem and get powerful communication support for the victory.